volunteer appreciation point system

VAPS: volunteer Appreciation point system

  • Point Assignments: (6 month awards are assigned in January and July for previous 6 months)

    30 points per year served as President
    25 points per year served as
    Officer/Board Member (Vice Pres., Sec., Treas., Overall Venue Chair, Gallery Coordinator etc.)
    20 points
    - Chairing a Large Show (Genesis, Student Show, Joint Invitational Show, Members’ Show)
    - Chairing the Members’ Luncheon, Holiday Party or Newcomers Brunch
    10 points
    - Individual Venue Chair (per year)
    - Permanent Committee Chair (per 6 months served) [Publicity, Newsletter, Compassion, Membership, Overall Venue Chair]
    - Chairing a Workshop
    - Teaching a Guerrilla workshop
    - Chairing a smaller show at the Gallery (ex. June “Wild” show)
    5 points
    - Bringing refreshments to a meeting or large group activity
    - Working at matting day for the Student Art Show
    - Bringing in a new member
    - Co-chairing a major show or workshop
    - Helping to hang a Gallery show
    Chairing an Ad Hoc (temporary) committee (ex. Plein air at CNC)
    - Facilitating a Critique Session
    - Keeping Volunteer Points Notebook
    3 points
    - Gallery sitting for full three hour shift (must be signed up on the Gallery Sitting List)
    - Donating books or supplies
    2 points
    - Attendance at a committee meeting
    - Attendance at a cleanup or setup session for a show or workshop
    - ACE cleanup
    Other points will be assigned at the President’s/ Board’s discretion for activities deemed of service to RFAA.

    Members should feel free to suggest other opportunities to earn points for the board to consider.

  • The more you work, the more you get!!!

    It will be the members’ responsibility to enter their volunteer hours into the Volunteer Notebook on the honor system.

    Points will only be awarded for entered hours worked. Officers of RFAA may award points for activities that do not have a sign-in procedure.

    Twenty or more points earned during one fiscal year entitles a member to $5 off Voucher the next members’ luncheon. (First 20 points only)

    Forty or more points earned during one fiscal year entitles member to 50% off following year’s membership

    Fifty or more points will entitle member to a voucher for $5 off the entry fee into any RFAA show OR for a $5 off of a workshop fee.

    In Addition
    Fifty points or more entitles a member’s name to be entered in a drawing for a FREE workshop. Drawing would only be among those who had earned 50 pts.at the time of that workshop. If member doesn’t win, he/she can enter for another workshop. If only one person has the points, he/she automatically gets the free workshop. This drawing is in addition to the previous point awards listed above. Limit of one free workshop per year.

  • A Volunteer will keep the points’ notebook updated each quarter. The member will be notified by the point keeper when the member hits a reward total and a voucher for the appropriate reward will be issued at the next general meeting. A record of all vouchers will be kept in the points’ notebook and each voucher checked off when redeemed.

    Vouchers will be good for one year from the time of issue as points will not be cumulative from year to year.

    A year for point accumulation will be the RFAA calendar year with points for officers and chairpersons issued in January and July (for previous six months)

    The Points/Voucher Notebook will remain at ACE at all times unless needed at an activity held at another Venue.
    A yellow highlighter will be used to note when a member has reached a reward total and a voucher has been issued.

    Should a member reach a reward level prior to the scheduled tally date, (s)he may notify the Point Keeper via email and request that a voucher be issued at that time.

Click below to learn how the RFAA VAPS - Volunteer appreciation point System work and and how to use it.