Frequently Asked Questions
frequently asked questions
A. The primary ways we communicate with our members are:
1. Facebook announcements.
Go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/roswell-finearts This site is updated several times a week. You must sign up for Facebook and apply to follow the RFAA site.
2. The RFAA website and calendar At https://rfaa.org, which is updated at regular intervals, but not as often as Facebook, and contains detailed information about all things RFAA.
3. ARTiculation E-Newsletter Sent out four times a year to all members, with pictures of our art, articles about members, information about sales, and art resources. It can also be found on the website. Members get eblast emails regularly with show and venue details and prospectus. -
A: It is very simple:
1. To become a member of RFAA visit our Membership Page for details and membership options. OR2. If visiting the gallery in person, use the one in our (paper) membership brochure.
OR3. Send a check with the completed membership application to PO Box 2084, Roswell, GA 30077. Note: There is no mail delivery to our street address.
A. Here are the highlights!
Access to a network of over 100 artists with whom to share experiences and knowledge
Learning through demonstrations, classes and workshops
Plein air opportunities at various locations
Open studio sessions at the Art Center East Gallery on Fouts Road
Regular membership meetings with presentations by expert artists and art-related individuals
Opportunities to participate in juried and non-juried shows throughout the year
Venues and virtual shows at which to exhibit and sell art
Listing and Linking at the RFAA website
Promoting members’ art on Instagram and Pinterest
E-newsletters with articles of interest to artists
Sharing art through community events such as an annual High School Art Show
Social events such as Opening Receptions, Brunches and Holiday Parties
A. RFAA´s primary location for shows is the Art Center East on Fouts Road. All other venues are at facilities owned by others. The host venues set their own rules regarding acceptable themes, sizes, and framing options for artwork. Always check before a show as the venue rules/protocols may have changed.
A. Your annual dues give you eligibility to take part in our shows, venues, demos and many other activities. NOTE: Juried shows have an additional modest entry fee. Workshops given by esteemed artists are offered to RFAA members at a lower rate than non-member participants.